Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Missionaries in Africa

What was the logic in sending Christian missionaries to Africa? There are a few answers to this question but the one answer that makes the most sense is the resources Africa had. Since Africa was not already occupied by Muslim government Christians saw this as an opportunity too gain some new territory and resources. 
With Islam having a fair amount of land mass Europe felt as though they were an enemy. Wanting to have an edge on Islam, Christianity wanted to get as much territory as possible so they sent missionaries to Africa. Their was no set ruler or form of Government of Africa so it was easy to infiltrate and convert as many people as they could. The more people converted the more territory the Christians received. With all this new land Christians also would have more resources. One of the more darker resources were slaves. Sometimes slave traders would accompany missionaries and help themselves to slaves. The new territory and resources were one of the main reasons missionaries would be sent to Africa. 

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