The Haitian Earthquake was Similar to Katrina on numerous fronts. One example is that both disasters occurred in the last decade with all it's new technology and ways to help people but both fronts were clogged up by each countries government.
In Haiti millions in dollars of aid was pouring in from all over the globe to help disaster relief. With so much aid flying in and the haitian government still recovering from the earthquake no one set organization was really handling all the donations coming in. Soon aid was not reaching the people affected by the earthquake because the government could not pull itself together and help it's people. A similar problem occurred a few years prior to this event in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina hit. A few days after the hurricane FEMA and Homeland Security argued about who's job it was to help the victims of Katrina in New Orleans. Both Haiti and the U.S. system of government had halted themselves on helping its people.
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