Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Our First Civilization

For our first civilization project my groups society was fairly simple but it could survive easily. Our civilization only had what it needed to survive. It had a source of clean fresh water, a pasture where it could raise livestock to eat, lots of different crops, adequate places to live, a shelter from hurricanes that could come off the coast and a huge fire pit where the inhabitants could cook their food and stay warm.
Our civilization acquired it's drinking water from a river which flowed into the ocean. They could also get both freshwater and salt water fish from the ocean estuaries and river. Having both salt water and freshwater fish helped the inhabitants get a wide diversity of fish.
The citizens of this civilization would not only get their food from the land. They would also get sustenance from the crops they grew which they also had a wide diversity of due to the temperate weather of the regione. When moving to the new area, they brought animals like sheep and cows and chickens and pigs. They used these few original animals to make a large pool of meat to get protein from.
For shelter, the citizens of this area have houses made out of mud and stone, and a panic shelter which is a huge hole/cave dug into the ground covered by two wooden doors. This shelter protects people from the strong winds of hurricanes and the torrential rain as well. It is big enough to fit a majority of the people living in the village but is only used by people who's homes are not strong enough to tough it out through the storms.
Overall our first civilization is simple but strong and resilient. It will use it's simplicity to make it survive the longest by not over fishing or over populating the area with livestock and it will do so by doing everything in moderation.

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